Antonova Anna / Shutterstock
This isn’t the first time you’ve looked into alternative treatment methods for your fibromyalgia symptoms. In fact, you’ve probably tried a few. Perhaps some options worked very well, others worked initially and then ceased, and still other treatments simply did not work at all. Trial and error is a frustrating process when all you want is immediate relief from your symptoms, especially the persistent pain and fatigue. Adding to the frustration is the fact that each body is different. What may work miracles for your fibro-bestie does not even phase you. So you throw your hands up in the air and go back to the prescription meds with side effects that exacerbate some fibromyalgia symptoms because you don’t know what else to do. Or you just suffer.
There are options though. There is a remedy out there somewhere just for you. It may even require a combination of remedies. Here we will touch on a few of the more well-known dietary supplements used as common alternative treatments and then move onto some of the lesser-known alternative remedies. As always, before beginning any new supplements, be sure and speak with your healthcare practitioner.
Dietary Supplements
5-Hydroxytrytophan (also known as 5-HTP) is a supplement that comes in capsule form. It is one of the building blocks of serotonin, a chemical in the brain known to be associated with depression when levels are low. Some research shows that supplements of 5-HTP helped to ease anxiety, insomnia, and fibromyalgia pain. As with all supplements, it is important to do your own research in order to find a high quality version. 5-HTP is usually easy to find at your grocery and big-box stores, as well as online.
Magnesium is a mineral supplement with many benefits, including pain relief. After a debilitating back injury last year, my chiropractor explained that all Americans are deficient in this mineral because we have depleted the soil of this and other nutrients. Thus, he gave me magnesium in powder form for optimal absorption and it proved to be highly effective in alleviating much of my pain. The brand, Natural Calm, is available in various flavors and simply mixes with water, hot or cold. Magnesium is known to calm muscles and ease tension. It is available at various retailers and online.
Melatonin is a hormone often used to improve sleep. Many have found it helpful in relieving fibromyalgia pain as well. This could be a direct result of the melatonin itself or it could be the result of better sleep. Again, it is important to investigate for the better quality versions of this hormone. Also note that like many supplements, there are varying dosages available. The most common in stores and groceries are 3mg, 5mg, and 10mg. You may need to experiment to find a dosage that is right for you, but common sense dictates that you always start out minimally and work your way up. It is readily available in the nutritional supplements section of your local grocery and online.
Other Alternatives
Nutritional response testing is a service wherein a practitioner tests the reflexes of various points on the body. These points relate to one’s overall state of health and the natural energy flow produced by each organ in the body. The points come from the ancient system of Chinese medicine known as acupuncture. Fibromyalgia pain, fatigue, and other symptoms could have a direct correlation to nutritional deficiencies for some people. The testing will help identify these as well as excesses that could be exacerbating fibromyalgia symptoms. A good practitioner will not only tell you what supplements to add, but also what foods to include and exclude in your daily diet. You will need to research in your area to find an office specializing in alternative medicine or acupuncture most likely. Just be cautious in your selection by checking reviews that others have submitted online. Also ask friends and family for recommendations.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is an option for regulating hormone imbalances that can make a difference in your fibromyalgia symptoms. BHRT uses hormones derived from plants that have the same molecular structure as hormones in humans. Fibromyalgia results in adrenal exhaustion and decreased cortisol production. The obvious expression of those results is fatigue, so the most immediate relief from BHRT is often in one’s energy levels. However, many report relief of other symptoms associated with fibromyalgia such as chronic pain and overall quality of life. Rather than blanket hormone supplements and creams found in stores, BHRT works by evaluating saliva and/or blood samples of the individual. This ensures much greater accuracy in matching the needs of the patient to the treatment being administered. Typically, BHRT can be sought out through an alternative medicine practitioner and many pharmacies that offer compounding services.
There are several other options, but these are a few to get you started. We will tackle others in upcoming articles such as treating emotional health, reducing stress, eliminating inflammation-causing foods. In the meantime, start your way down the list and give yourself enough time to try it out thoroughly before moving onto the next option.