Does Holistic Medicine Beat Fibromyalgia Pain?

About Holistic Treatments

The medical community advises patients not to combine conventional medical regimens with unconventional methods of treatment. That said, an unconventional, holistic treatment may accompany conventional treatment as an additional measure of symptom relief.

There are many treatment options available in the holistic health community, including acupuncture, acupressure, massage, meditation, and chiropractic treatments. This article will investigate the critical applications of these treatments, particularly that of acupuncture. Acupuncture assumes the greatest level of precedence in this article because it predates Western medicine and played a preeminent role in eastern practices.

Acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, meditation and additional treatments have long been used to mitigate the symptoms of fibromyalgia, in conjunction with western medical treatments. The demand for homeopathic medicine is steadily increasing, as they serve to integrate the body, mind and soul, collectively. Of course, prior to embarking upon an alternative medicine treatment, one should consult with a doctor to ensure that any conventional treatments do not counteract the alternative treatment, and vice versa. A doctor can help a patient devise an effective blend of holistic and conventional medicine.


Acupuncture entails the insertion of needles into the epidermis and dermis layers of the skin. This is done to catalyze specific energy pathways at designated points. The acupuncture professional generally moves the needles very gently and this induces a pain suppressing effect in the body. Acupuncture needles, at specific points, actually signal the influx of endorphins throughout the body. This is believed to remove energy blockages from the body.

According to studies, acupuncture is highly effective in modifying pain pathways in the nervous system. Specifically, it has been noted that acupuncture can transform the brain’s chemistry altogether, by altering which neurotransmitters are released, especially neurotransmitters involved in pain perception and management. Even a single session of acupuncture has been said to significantly reduce pain in acupuncture patients. Of course, these observed effects will require subsequent studies in the field of pain management and fibromyalgia.

Acupuncture as Fibromyalgia Treatment


Chiropractic treatments are frequently sought out by fibromyalgia patients. Many individuals rely on this alternative form of medicine in order to attend to pain and aches in a number of different regions of the body. These treatments may effectively increase lumbar and cervical range of motion as well.

Chiropractic treatments are predicated on the notion that the body engages in its own concerted healing efforts. By aligning the spine properly and improving the flow of nerve impulses throughout the body, the chiropractor makes it easier for the body to correct problems.

The objective of this practice is to increase the alignment and fluidity of the spine. Chiropractors go about this by making small alterations using their hands. Furthermore, they modify stretching, pressure and movements accordingly in order to restore the balance of the skeletal structure. This is believed to improve an individual’s health.

Deep Tissue Massage

Many individuals who suffer from fibromyalgia opt for deep tissue massage to increase circulation to the muscles, and to alleviate tension, stiffness and pain. Deep tissue massage was designed to establish balance and proper alignment of connective tissue and muscles.

This form of massage is similar to other types of massage therapy, but integrates deeper, more intensive strokes designed to dissolve tension and pain.  Typically, those who suffer from chronic muscle tension have a preexisting condition or injury. When adhesions develop in the muscle and connective tissue, those adhesions inhibit circulation. Adhesions are commonly referred to as “knots” in the muscles, because that is what they often feel like.

When a professional conducts a deep tissue massage, he/she dissolves these adhesions in order to promote pain reduction and a better flow of movement. In order to ensure the effectiveness of these massages, it is critical that that the client relax the muscles to permit the masseuse to dig deeply into the muscle tissue.

Sometimes, these massages are uncomfortable, and individuals occasionally report some degree of pain. Of course, if the pain becomes unbearable, it is critical to notify the massage therapist about this. While stiffness and pain typically does ensue after such a massage, it normally disappears within 1-2 days.

A poll of chronic pain sufferers discussed the effectiveness of deep tissue massage for chronic pain. 34,000 people reported that deep tissue massage was just as effective as acupuncture, medication exercise and diet for reducing pain. Patients who suffered from consistent fibromyalgia pain also indicated that this was one of the best pain reduction methods.


While acupressure possesses some similarities with acupuncture, it is different in many respects. Essentially, it involves applying pressure to acupressure points that inhibit the transmission of pain signals, rather than inserting needles into those points. It has been found to provide temporary pain relief.


This therapy is used extensively in order to treat pain. Generally speaking, the body harbors a number of involuntary responses and mechanisms, over which the human mind usually lacks control. These functions are controlled by the autonomic nervous system, and they include heart rate and blood pressure. However, with the aid of biofeedback, individuals with fibromyalgia can assume more control over their involuntary bodily mechanisms.

When a person undergoes biofeedback, they are monitored with electrodes, which are attached to the surface of their skin. In some cases, a device is used to monitor the fingers, as well. The sensors that are attached to one’s body transmit stimuli that are displayed in the form of an image, a flash, or even a sound. These sensory stimuli correspond to the patient’s heart rate, blood pressure, etc. When the human body experiences some degree of stress or anxiety, these physiological functions will change.

By monitoring the biofeedback stimuli while performing a relaxation exercise, one can learn exactly what it feels like when the relaxation exercise is performed quickly, and therefore, can master the exercise much more quickly. For example, a biofeedback session may teach one to regulate their brain waves in order to induce relaxation and relieve their headache. As individuals engage in more and more biofeedback sessions, they gain increasingly more control over their bodies.