Dusty Work Environments and Fibromyalgia Care

Dusty Work Environments and Fibromyalgia Care

Many people who have fibromyalgia will do everything that they can in order to ensure that they can continue to work. The pain can be difficult to work through at times, but it’s a good thing to try and stay active, no matter what may be standing in your way. That being said, if you are in a work environment that is especially dusty, then you may end up having more problems related to your fibromyalgia.

Why is this the case, and what can be done in order to ensure that you find relief from your symptoms? Let’s take a closer look at the issues that can come up with too much dust at the office so we can determine how to deal with it better.

Why Does A Dusty Work Environment Matter?

No one likes to try and deal with a dusty work environment, but did you know that it could be a hazard if you’re trying to deal with your fibromyalgia symptoms at the same time? If you’ve done research on fibromyalgia before, you likely know and understand that fibromyalgia and allergies are very interconnected.

More often than not, you may notice some of these symptoms happening at the same exact time. This can cause a lot of trouble, especially if you’re trying to function in a work environment. If it’s too dusty, or there are other allergens, it can become uncomfortable very quickly.

Why Are Allergies Associated with Fibromyalgia?

The main reason that allergies are associated with fibromyalgia is because of all the pain that you’re dealing with at the same time. Think about the pain that you deal with on a daily basis. Now, add in the irritation and annoyance that is often associated with allergies. Allergies happen because our body is trying to fight off an infection that it, frankly, cannot.

That’s why we start to notice that our eyes get swollen, our throat gets itchy, and our body has other reactions. So you’re already achy and hurting because of your fibro, and now you’re achy and hurting even more because of your allergies. It can, frankly, be a very annoying and frustrating combination to have to try and cope with.

What Can We Do In Order to Reduce Allergy Symptoms?

Okay, so there’s a balance that we have to find here. You’re likely already dealing with your fibromyalgia symptoms in one way or another. A treatment plan is in place and you use it in order to ensure that you are able to function just a little bit better than you would have been able to otherwise.

Now that that part of the plan is dealt with, you have to find a way to make sure that your allergies are dealt with as well. That being said, what can you do in order to reduce your allergy symptoms in such a way that it doesn’t cause your fibro to flare up even worse than it would have in the past? Here are some tips that you may want to utilize.

Keep your work area a lot cleaner than you used to. Obviously, this whole article started with a question about what happens with a dusty work environment. Dusting your workspace, your home, and anywhere else that may have an excess amount of dust and dirt can actually provide you with a lot of relief. When you’re inside your home, you have the right to feel comfortable and you should be in a position where it’s a lot easier for you to breathe as well.

Get an air purifier. There are a number of different devices that you can use in order to make sure that you can breathe easy. Obviously, nothing makes up for the fact that you’re trying to deal with dust, but it can make the air a lot cleaner and clearer to breathe. This could help relieve stress, it can help everyone in your house to breathe more easily, and it could actually help reduce some of the pain that you feel as well.

Consider going outside on a regular basis to get used to what’s out there. One of the biggest reasons that people deal with allergies is because they aren’t outside and around the things that are causing them the discomfort. Obviously, it’s going to hurt for a bit, and you may notice some discomfort, but there are studies out there that suggest that putting yourself out in the elements can help to reduce your allergy symptoms because your body knows how to fight off the infections a lot more.

Consider natural remedies that allow you to find relief from your allergies. There are so many different natural remedies out there for you to try that you shouldn’t feel at a loss when it comes to trying out new things. Some remedies suggest that you try eating honey or other local grown foods so that you don’t have as much sensitivity to pollen. Other remedies include exercise and supplements. Look around at what’s available for you to try, and then go ahead and try whatever’s out there so that you can have an idea of what actually works for your needs.

You have a number of options that you can follow in order to reduce your allergy symptoms and your fibromyalgia symptoms. Try some of the techniques that we’ve talked about above, and also be sure to talk to your doctor or your allergist about all of the issues that may be related to your fibromyalgia care.

They can recommend other techniques that you may want to consider trying and, on top of that, they may be able to prescribe medications so that you can find the relief that you need.

No matter what, make sure that you’re working with a professional. They have the experience and they have your best in mind when it comes to taking care of your fibromyalgia and your allergy symptoms, no matter what ones may be causing you trouble at the time.

Further reading:


