This is the continuation of The Bloody Baron. It is part of the main quest and starts right after you talked with the baron in his room, following your illegal entry in his courtyard through an under ground tunnel.
- Start by following the Baron towards a room up the stairs.
- As you enter the room, use your Witcher Sense to search for clues.
- First, check the discolored wall.
- To your left is a portrait. Get close and examine it.
- After you take it down, you’ll find a hole in the wall.
- Check the other side to investigate.
- As you open the door, you’ll find a piece of wood.
- Use your Witcher Sense and check the wooden post just behind the lighted candle.
- Next check the candlestick by the table.
Upon closer inspection, you’ll see wine spilled all over and recognize the scent immediately.
- Using your Witcher Sense, you then follow the scent which will lead you outside the room, down the stairs.
- Just after the first flight of stairs, a wooden plank is highlighted.
Examine it, and you’ll find a Talisman hidden under it.
- Now return to the Baron and ask him about the talisman.
- After your conversation you will be instructed to find the Pellar’s hut.
- Exit the Barons castle and proceed to the marked location on the map.
- Upon arrival you are immediately surrounded by the Barons men.
- The outcome will depend on what happened at the Inn by the Crossroads
- If you did slaughter them back then, it sure will be a slaughter here. But if not, then it’s safe to assume that these men will be reasonable and walk away in peace.
- A cutscene plays and the Pellar agrees to talk with you.
- For the Pellar to cooperate, you must do his bidding first.
- Find his goat using your Witcher Sense, follow her trail and use the bell to bring her home.
Use the bell to call the goat by pressing the Center Mouse Button.
- Once this is completed, the Pellar will answer your questions.
- After your conversation, read the Bestiary about Botchlings,
and then return and talk to the Baron.
- Upon your return, the stable is on fire. You can either help or not. It’s up to you which action to make, but helping out will lessen their hate for you.
- After saving the stable hand and the horse, you and the Baron get a good exchange of fists.
- You and the Baron talk in his room about what he did to his family.
- Follow the Baron outside to where he buried his daughter.
- In order to help the Botchling, you must turn it into a Lubberkin.
- As you walk back to the castle, you encounter Wraiths that had been attracted to the scent of the Botchling.
- There will be two encounters. Confront the Wraiths using the Yrden Sign as well as regular and strong attacks.
- During each encounter, the Botchling goes frantic. Use the Axii Sign to calm it down after you’ve eliminated the Wraiths.
- The Baron needs to give the Botchling a name in order to completely turn it into a Lubberkin.
- Stand near the grave of the Botchling.
- Wait until midnight to summon it.
- When it appears, command it to find its mother.
- Follow the Lubberkin’s lead.
- It will stop by a seemingly abandoned house.
- Search around to find a bracelet, horseshoe, and a change of clothes.
- After finding them, the Lubberkin will want to show you something else.
- You find a dead, decapitated horse. Probably attacked by a powerful beast.
- The Lubberkin continues to lead you towards a hut near the river.
- Enter the hut and ask about Anna and Tamara.
- After you’ve gathered information, talk to Dea outside and allow her to go in peace.
- Return to the Baron with the information and Proceed to Oxenfurt to find Tamara.
Let the cut scene play to further understand the barons story. This will also include Ciri’s story but a rather short one. After the conversation, you will then proceed to look for Tamara in Oxenfurt.
We hope you found this article helpful! Let us know in the comments below how it went and if you found anything neat along the way!