Fibromyalgia And The Most Common Symptoms Of The Disorder

Fibromyalgia And The Most Common Symptoms Of The Disorder

Fibromyalgia is a very stressful disorder that has affected nearly five million Americans over the age of eighteen. The fibromyalgia disorder is best explained as a widespread musculoskeletal pain that is oftentimes accompanied by or can cause fatigue and memory, mood, and sleeping problems.

Those that have researched the fibromyalgia disorder believe that fibromyalgia will heighten the painful sensations of the human body and affects the brain’s processing of those pain signals. Many times, the symptoms associated to fibromyalgia will begin after a person has gone through a physical trauma or some types of surgery.

An infection or a heavy amount of psychological stresses may also trigger the fibromyalgia symptoms. However, it has been documented in many cases that symptoms attributed to fibromyalgia have no identifiable trigger or an event that can be pointed to as the cause.

The fibromyalgia disorder is found more commonly in the female population than it is the male population. Those that have been diagnosed with the disorder oftentimes identify that they have serious tension headaches or migraines and sometimes suffer from a joint disorder known as temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ. Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, has been documented in some cases of fibromyalgia.

Additionally, heavy anxiety and severe depression have been common associations of fibromyalgia. Currently, there is no verifiable cure for the fibromyalgia disorder, although there are some options available to help ease the symptoms associated with the disorder. These options are typically medications or some natural remedies that those inflicted with the disorder can seek for themselves.

It has been noted that proper exercise, a healthy diet, and use of a variety of stress reducing activities and appropriate relaxation methods can help with the symptoms.


The symptoms that are often attributed to the fibromyalgia disorder are quite plentiful. The pain that is caused by fibromyalgia is often described as an ever-constant dulling ache all over the body, particularly in the muscles and some soft tissue. Widespread pain is best defined as pain that occurs on either side of the body and below and above the waist.

Fibromyalgia can also cause a person to be in even more pain when a firm pressure is added to a specific area on the body, or the body’s tender points. Tender points are usually located on the back part of the head, in between a person’s shoulder blades, on top of the shoulders, the front side of the neck, the upper chest area, the outside of the elbows, the upper hips, the sides of the hips, and on the inside of the knees.

These areas may feel weak and may be subject to intense amounts of pain when they are touched. This makes it rather difficult to apply massages or pressure to help relieve the pain due to the fact that the pain in the area is caused by the application itself. This makes for a terribly frustrating experience for the person inflicted by fibromyalgia.


Those that are inflicted by the fibromyalgia disorder oftentimes report to their doctor or physician that they still feel very tired even though they have gotten an appropriate amount of sleep or that they have been trying to sleep for longer periods of time during the night. A person that is subject to the symptoms of fibromyalgia will frequently have their sleep disrupted by the chronic pain caused by fibromyalgia.

There have been documented cases in which someone that has been affected by fibromyalgia has reported that they have developed various sleep disorders. Sleep apnea has been well documented by those people. Additionally, someone who is diagnosed with fibromyalgia will develop restless legs syndrome due to not being able to shake off their fatigue and sleeping too much to try to get rid of it. These types of sleep disorders oftentimes worsen the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Coexisting Symptoms

There is quite a large list of symptoms that may affect those with fibromyalgia simultaneously. While there are several medications that may help those that are suffering from these aches and ailments, it can still be quite the hassle to keep up with all of the medications and their side effects.

Fatigue is generally the most common of these symptoms. The severity of fatigue is often described as exhausting and crippling by those that are subject to the fibromyalgia symptom. Weakness and feeling fatigued even after hours of bed rest is quite common amongst those individuals suffering from fibromyalgia.

Anxiety is another symptom that occurs simultaneously with other symptoms of fibromyalgia. This can be the reaction of many sleepless nights, fatigue, or constantly being in pain and becoming agitated with the condition. Anxiety can be very difficult to overcome and should not be something that is overlooked. Those with anxiety as a symptom of their fibromyalgia should seek out treatment for it.

Heavy onset depression is common among individuals with fibromyalgia. Because the disorder oftentimes leaves those that are diagnosed with it feeling useless, tired, fatigued, exhausted, and psychologically agitated, depression can sometimes occur. Depression can be quite hard to avoid when diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but those that have the disorder should continue to look to fill their day with pleasurable and rewarding experiences that will help take their mind off of their condition and current state. Fibromyalgia is not the end of a life and those that are subject to the disorder and its symptoms should be aware of that.

Headaches and migraines are all too common for those who have fibromyalgia. Constant pain all over the body may cause the brain to become agitated and hyperactive to the pains of the body. This is very difficult to avoid. Ibuprofen and Tylenol can help to soothe the pain of a headache or migraine, but should be taken in careful moderation. Moderation is key with all treatments.

While the symptoms of fibromyalgia are bountiful, life with fibromyalgia does not have to define those that have it. Maintaining an active lifestyle in moderation can be very beneficial and make the days go by easier. While there are only temporary reliefs, the relieving treatments are just about as bountiful as the symptoms themselves.