According to studies, hypothyroidism and obesity closely linked. It is believed that changes in thyroid-stimulating hormone could be the primary cause of weight gain since the body stops from producing enough hormones that keep the body working efficiently.
Thyroid hormone is responsible for regulating basal metabolism, thermogenesis, glucose and lipid metabolism, and food oxidation. With thyroid dysfunction which results in hypothyroidism, there is a linear decrease in metabolic rate, thermogenesis, and oxidation meaning that the rate at which we burn food to release energy is affected. This leads to calories building up, and the aftermath of this is weight gain among other unwanted effects like heavier and irregular periods, chilliness, slowed heart rate, and fatigue.
How to get rid of the weight you gained
Fortunately, if you are diagnosed with abnormal thyroid hormone levels, then T4 supplements are available to get your hormones on truck and body functioning efficiently. The T4 supplements are referred to as synthetic T4 and work the same way as the natural hormone produced in the body. The sad reality, however, is that normalizing thyroid hormone levels in the body alone may not help one to lose the gained pounds. You have to work on the weight, let’s say by working out, and you will quickly reverse the weight gain while managing it properly.
In the process of taking the hypothyroidism supplements, it is recommended not to take too much in the hope of enabling faster and easier weight gain. Instead, more of the hormone may also result in other harmful effects. Just enough of the supplements are necessary to create a “calorie deficit” as the body’s metabolism is improved and more calories are burnt. On the other hand, eating foods in their natural state will help increase the chances of getting rid of the gained weight. Simply do away with some of the processed, pre-packaged, GMO foods and replace them with whole food nutrition.
Weight gain caused by hypothyroidism should no longer be a thing to worry you about. Thyroid medication such as Armour and Levothyroxine will come in handy as well. In the process, observing appropriate diet plans such cutting back on the excess sugar are welcome while adequately working out at the gym.