Genshin Impact – How To: Find and Obtain Recipe Ingredients

We’ve covered How To: Heal and Cook. As well as How To: Find and Obtain Recipes. Now we will focus on finding and obtaining recipe ingredients.

Ingredients can be found just about anywhere, in the plains, over the hills, up the trees, or in the bushes. Everywhere you look, there is something that’s able to be picked up and stored in the bag. But there are some things that aren’t readily available.

So without further ado, here’s a list of every available ingredient in Genshin Impact and how to get them.

Ingredient(s)How To Obtain
AlmondSold by Ms. Bai at Qingce Village and Dongsheng in Liyue Harbor
BaconSold by Sara at Good Hunter in Mondstadt and by Shimura Kanbei at Shimura’s in Inazuma
Created by processing 2 Raw Meat and 2 Salt
BerryFound in the wild by foraging near grassy areas
Bird EggSold by Draff in Springvale and Mondstadt
Found in the wild on trees and sometimes shrubs
ButterSold by Sara at Good Hunter in Mondstadt and Verr Goldet at Wangshu Inn in Liyue Harbor
Created by processing 2 Milk
CabbageInvestigate / Destroy random barrels and crates
Sold by Aoi in Inazuma, by Blanche in Mondstadt, and by Dongsheng in Liyue Harbor
CarrotInvestigate / Destroy random barrels and crates
Sold by Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue Harbor
Found in the wild
CheeseSold by Sara at Good Hunter in Mondstadt and Changshun in Liyue Harbor
Created by processing 3 Milk
CrabCatch near lakes, rivers, banks and beaches
Sold by Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue Harbor, Obata in Inazuma, Shimura Kanbei at Shimura’s in Inazuma, Uncle Sun in Liyue Harbor
Crab RoeSold by Sara at Good Hunter in Mondstadt
Created by processing 4 Crab
CreamSold by Sara at Good Hunter in Mondstadt
Created by processing 1 Milk
FishCatch near lakes, rivers, banks, and beaches
Sold by Bolai at Wanyou Boutique in Liyue Harbor, Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue Harbor, Obata in Inazuma, Shimura Kanbei at Shimura’s in Inazuma, Uncle Gao in Liyue Harbor, and Uncle Sun in Liyue Harbor
FlourSold by Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue Harbor, Sara at Good Hunter in Mondstadt, and Shimura Kanbei at Shimura’s in Inazuma
Created by processing 1 Wheat
FowlFound by hunting birds out on the plains and ducks on lakes
Purchase from Draff in Springvale and Mondstadt
HamSold by Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue Harbor and Sara at Good Hunter in Mondstadt
Created by processing 2 Raw Meats and 1 Salt
JamSold by Sara at Good Hunter in Mondstadt
Created by processing 3 Sunsettia, 2 Berry, and 1 Sugar
Jueyun ChiliFound in the wild around Liyue Harbor and Qingce Village
Sold by Sara at Good Hunter in Mondstadt
Lotus HeadFound in the wild near lakes and river banks
Sold by Herbalist Gui at Bubu Pharmacy in Liyue Harbor and Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue Harbor
MatsutakeFound in the wild by foraging near pine trees
MilkSold by Aoi in Inazuma, by Blanche in Mondstadt, and by Dongsheng in Liyue Harbor
MintFound in the wild
Sold by Chloris in Mondstadt
MushroomFound in the wild by foraging near grassy areas
Sold by Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue Harbor
OnionSold by Aoi in Inazuma, by Blanche in Mondstadt, and by Dongsheng in Liyue Harbor
PepperSold by Aoi in Inazuma, by Blanche in Mondstadt, and by Dongsheng in Liyue Harbor
PineconeFound in the wild below pine trees
PotatoInvestigate / Destroy random barrels and crates
Sold by Aoi in Inazuma, by Blanche in Mondstadt, and by Dongsheng in Liyue Harbor
RadishInvestigate / Destroy random barrels and crates
Found in the wild
Sold by Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue Harbor and Shimura Kanbei at Shimura’s in Inazuma
Raw MeatFound in the wild by hunting beasts like Boar and Foxes
Sold by Draff in Springvale and Mondstadt
RiceSold by Aoi in Inazuma and Dongsheng in Liyue Harbor
SaltSold by Aoi in Inazuma, by Blanche in Mondstadt, and by Dongsheng in Liyue Harbor
SausageSold by Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue Harbor, Sara at Good Hunter in Mondstadt, Shimura Kanbei at Shimura’s in Inazuma, and Verr Goldet at Wangshu Inn in Liyue Harbor
Created by processing 3 Raw Meat
Shrimp MeatSold by Aoi in Inazuma, Dongsheng in Liyue Harbor, Obata in Inazuma, and Uncle Sun in Liyue Harbor
Smoked FowlSold by Sara at Good Hunter in Mondstadt
Created by processing 3 Fowl and 1 Salt
Small Lamp GrassFound in the wild in Whispering Woods and Wolvendom
SnapdragonFound in the wild
Sold by Chloris in Mondstadt
SugarSold by Changshun in Liyue Harbor, Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue Harbor, Sara at Good Hunter in Mondstadt, and Shimura Kanbei at Shimura’s in Inazuma
Created by processing 2 Sweet Flower
Sweet FlowerFound in the wild
Sold by Flora at Floral Whisper in Mondstadt
TofuSold by Aoi in Inazuma, Dongsheng in Liyue Harbor, and Ms. Bai at Qingce Village
TomatoInvestigate / Destroy random barrels and crates
Sold by Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue Harbor and Dongsheng in Liyue Harbor
VioletgrassFound near cliffs in Liyue Harbor
Sold by Herbalist Gui at Bubu Pharmacy in Liyue Harbor and Verr Goldet at Wangshu Inn in Liyue Harbor
WheatInvestigate / Destroy random barrels and crates
Sold by Aoi in Inazuma, by Blanche in Mondstadt, and by Dongsheng in Liyue Harbor

Food Processing

In order for you to cook up a dish of your choosing you should be mindful of the required ingredients. Some of these ingredients can be acquired on their own and some need processing. From the list above, you will see the ingredient name and how to obtain them.

As in real life, bacon, butter, cheese and cream require some sort of process. However, we reside in the fictional world of Teyvat. We will not be churning butter the old fashioned way.

To process ingredients we need to:

  1. Visit a restaurant or a camp fire.
  2. Press F.
  3. Click Process.
  4. Select an ingredient you wish to process.
  5. Click Cook.
  6. Adjust the amount of items.
  7. Click Confirm and wait for it to finish.
  8. When finished, Click Obtain.
  9. The processed ingredient is now added to your bag/inventory.

Some ingredients takes some processing time ranging from 1-20 minutes, so while you wait for it to finish, you may do some quests or visit other shops to see what might interest you.


This is quite easy. All you need to do is:

  1. Get close to the item you wish to acquire (Flowers, Berry’s Fruits)
  2. Press F and move somewhere else where there’s plenty.


It is recommended that you use a character with a bow and arrow. But waving your sword or spear wildly is just fine. To do this:

  1. Position your character in a distance, within range and in a clear line of sight get too close and they start running or fly away.
  2. Use any charged attack that your character has.
  3. Aim at your target and shoot.
  4. When successful, get close and collect your loot.


This will require you to swim on any body of water deep enough to contain fish. However, it is reported that an update will include the Fishing function and hopefully we don’t get our character soaking wet to catch fish. To get that fish out of the water you:

  1. Get in the water.
  2. Swim towards the fish.
  3. When you get close enough Press F to catch.

Be mindful of your stamina bar though. If it goes empty, your character will drown. Yeah! your hero drowns in the game.


This is also simple. You only need to:

  1. Observe you surroundings.
  2. Get near crates or boxes and any part of the area that’s glimmering.
  3. Press F to investigate or use normal and special attacks to destroy crates and boxes. This reveals concealed items in them.

Now that these aren’t a mystery anymore, do try to be diligent in picking up items if you come across any on your travels. As they say, always prepare for a rainy day. You never know when an ingredient will come in handy.

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