People usually confuse the flu with a cold. There are indeed some similar symptoms but these two illnesses need to be distinguished from one another because they aren’t treated quite the same.
The first difference is related to how quickly these two illnesses start taking action. The more common one, which is the cold, starts very slowly. On the other hand, the flu is usually caused by viruses which make it a pretty fast striker.
The flu can affect everyone (even the healthiest individuals) and cause intense symptoms. You see, the flu will make you feel sick very quickly, while the cold has a buildup period.
Also, colds are generally harmless and their symptoms usually last for a week or two. In contrast, the influenza virus is estimated to have caused millions of deaths, even though the last pandemic happened over a half century ago.
So, how long does the flu last? Let’s dig a little bit more into what exactly causes it and what are its true symptoms.
Symptoms of the Flu
The flu is known for attacking the whole body and not just the airways like the cold usually does. Some of the symptoms are quite hard to deal with, as the flu starts out quite seriously at the beginning. Those kinds of symptoms usually disappear within a week, but other symptoms may remain.
Here is a list of the common flu symptoms you need to know about:
- Headache
- Dry cough
- Reduced or no appetite
- Fever of between 38 to 40 degrees Celsius
- Tiredness
- Muscle pain
As you can see from this research study, when it comes to children, stomach ache is a pretty common symptom of the flu.
Please note that you should go to the doctor immediately if you suspect that you might be down with the flu. This especially applies to people who already suffer from other medical conditions as their condition can get worse rapidly.
The Causes
As mentioned, the flu is caused by viruses (germs smaller than bacteria). Once the virus found its way to your body, it will multiply quickly, creating conditions that are suitable for it. If you don’t react fast, the symptoms can increase in the blink of an eye.
Your first line of defense is antibodies that your immune system needs to produce.
Influenza A, B, C and D are the four types of influenza viruses that we know of today. People are safe from influenza D viruses as they only target cattle. Influenza A and B, on the other hand, cause seasonal epidemics, while influenza C is known for causing respiratory illnesses.
How Long Will the Symptoms Last?
How long the flu will last depends on the individual. However, there is a common duration for the flu.
Despite all the talk about how tough the flu can be, there is some good news. The flu doesn’t actually last that long!
If properly treated, it can go away even within the first week after experiencing the symptoms. If the situation is a little bit more complicated, the most severe symptoms are usually gone after one week, while other symptoms may last for an additional week.
People that don’t have strong immune systems, such as kids and seniors, may experience flu symptoms for a longer period of more than two weeks.
When Should You Be Alarmed?
It is worth mentioning again that visiting your doctor should be the first thing you do if you experience flu symptoms.
If the flu is persistent and simply won’t go away, you might start feeling additional symptoms like:
- Difficulty breathing
- Confusion
- Dizziness
- Chest pain
- Fatigue
- Loss of sense of smell
Those symptoms usually occur after the first two weeks of dealing with the flu. If you belong to the group of people who are still down with the flu after the two-week mark, visit the doctor again for more effective treatments.
A worse scenario is that you might have caught two viruses that work together, which studies proved was possible.
Does the Immunity Last Long?
Vaccination is an excellent way of dealing with some illnesses. Certain vaccines may be effective for more than 20 years or for life. But that isn’t the case for the flu vaccine, as the immunity doesn’t last long.
According to this study, flu immunity decreases by the month after the injection.
Although flu immunity won’t last forever, experts advise that you do get vaccinated every year as that will lower the chances of getting infected. The best time to get vaccinated is before the flu season.
Protecting Yourself from the Flu
When somebody who has the flu coughs, small droplets are released into the air. Those droplets contain the virus and now that they are released, they are looking for a new host. That’s how the flu is spread.
So, how can you save yourself from it, apart from vaccination?
Well, the best possible way of keeping the flu away is to take extreme measures when it comes to your hygiene. Wash your hands and face as frequently as you possibly can. Take frequent long baths. It is advised to mix hot and cold water while you are taking a shower in order to improve your circulation, which will turn out to be helpful in the long run.
Remember, you can still get the flu after you’ve recovered from it, so don’t stop worrying about your hygiene.
The Final Verdict
So, how long does the flu last? It can keep coming back if you don’t take the necessary action. Many people don’t take the flu quite seriously. If you take anything away from this article, it’s the fact that the flu can be a pretty ugly illness that can lead to pneumonia and other serious conditions if it isn’t dealt with.
We hope you won’t have to deal with the flu in the first place, but in case that you do, now you know what to expect.