How Long Does Xanax Stay in Your System?

Many individuals struggle with the occurrences of anxiety disorders and the impact they have on their daily lives. The phenomenon can cause many frustrations in a person’s life that require specific medical treatment. To address health challenges related to anxiety disorders and mitigate the symptoms, many people are prescribed a drug named Xanax.

This drug is often prescribed to people who grapple with overwhelming distress, anxiety, fear, and panic disorders. The question is how long does Xanax stay in your system? First, we’ll need to look into what Xanax does and examine its impact. The article below aims to describe what is Xanax, what are the benefits and effects of this drug, and how long it stays in the system.

What Is Xanax?

Xanax is widely used to decrease the levels of anxiety but only during a limited period of time. The drug is a government-controlled drug and should only be used as stated on the prescription.

The typical dosage prescribed to adult patients starts between 0.25 mg and 0.50mg. The drug is usually administered three times a day. However, different people struggle with different problems, and the severity of symptoms varies from person to person. Therefore, the therapy is tailored to each patient’s personal needs and condition.

The active ingredient of Xanax is the chemical called Alprazolam. It is sometimes used in the drug’s name. The most prominent example is Alprazolam Intesol. It is of utmost importance for a person who uses a prescription drug such as Xanax to understand the drug’s chemical makeup and side effects. You should always consult your doctor before you start using Xanax. Never administer the drug on your own.

How can Xanax help us the patient in the case of a panic attack or fear in a public place? The section below will provide a deeper insight into the benefits and side effects of using Xanax.

Benefits and Side Effects of Xanax

What are the positives and negatives of Xanax? The key reason people use the drug is to cope with emotional discomfort that can lead to distressing situations at home, when travelling, or visiting places away from home or another familiar place. It is critical to know how your body might react to Xanax.


The benefits of using Xanax include improved sleeping patterns and decreased levels of anxiety. Patients tend to be calmer and worry less while on Xanax. Using the correct dosage also allows a patient to feel more relaxed, without depression or moodiness. All in all, Xanax can provide the feelings of calm and being in control. It also lowers the feelings of disorientation and anxiety.

Side Effects

Along with positive effects, Xanax can also cause a number of unwanted side-effects. For example, a patient might experience bouts of dizziness, memory loss, low blood pressure, or difficulty speaking.

Serious side effects can include various mental problems, such as increased feelings of depression, suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, and general confusion. The list also includes muscle spasms, seizures, tremors, arrhythmia, tremors, chest pain, yellowing of the skin, and urination problems.

It is good to know that Xanax can cause addiction. This also means that patients can overdose if they take more than the prescribed quantity.

Next, we’ll look into how long does Xanax last before it gets out of the system?

How Long Does Xanax Last?

To determine how long the drug will stay in your system, we should first take a look into its half-life. Half-life means the time it takes for half of the ingredients to leave your body after you take the drug. For Xanax, it is around 11.2 hours. However, it might be longer for older people.

Xanax takes on average four to five days to leave your body. It stays detectable in your blood for 24 hours and it can be found in your hair for up to three months. If you are using Xanax and have an upcoming drug test, you have to inform the lab.

Release Time

After you take Xanax, the body immediately absorbs the drug and its blood levels peak after 60 to 120 minutes later. The speed at which the drug is released into your system depends on many factors. For example, your weight, body size, health status, age, liver capability, and your metabolism rate, all affect how fast or slow will your body absorb and metabolize the drug. Most patients report that it takes approximately two hours for the drug to kick in.

It is important to notice that after the initial spike, it takes eight to twelve hours for the effects to subside. That’s if you’ve taken the 0.25 mg tablet. If you have a fast metabolism, you may experience withdrawal after six hours.

In the next section we’ll take a look at activities you should avoid while using Xanax.

Activities You Should Avoid When Taking Xanax?

People who use Xanax should abstain from alcohol and smoking. Xanax should also not be combined with other drugs. Using it in parallel with other drugs can create significant health problems and you might experience a severe reaction. It is also important to note that people should avoid using the drug for recreational purposes.


How long does Xanax stay in the system? This is an important question, as Xanax is a strong drug and it has a strong impact the entire system. However, the time Xanax will take to leave your system depends on a variety of factors related to your health status. If you are healthy and have a fast metabolism it will work faster and leave the body quicker.

The calming effect typically lasts for half a day and it starts decreasing after that. During the withdrawal period you should refrain from taking extra doses because Xanax can cause addiction. These extra doses can lead to overdose or make you more tolerant to the drug.

Individuals who’ve used Xanax before may experience higher substance levels in their bodies and feel the side effects much longer. Finally, it is strongly recommended to consult your doctor before you start taking Xanax. Also, never increase or decrease the dosage on your own. Finally, once prescribed Xanax, don’t stop taking it without consulting your doctor.

