How to Complete On Thin Ice (The Final Battle) in Witcher 3

After acquiring the sunstone and freeing Fringilla from Emhyr, we now proceed to face the Wild Hunt.

  1. Talk to Avallac’h to proceed with the plan.
  2. As soon as the Naglfar appears, the sea is then turned to ice and the warriors of the Wild Hunt appear.
  3. We start by defeating Caranthir with Ciri.
  4. Defeat all of the warriors and hounds that spawn, slowly making your way towards Caranthir.
  5. Caranthir uses teleportation, which makes him a tricky foe to chase and kill.
  6. After Ciri has defeated Caranthir, we switch to Geralt.
  7. And this time, our enemy is able to summon ice golems and even shoot ice orbs at you so be very careful.
  8. Igni sign seems to cancel his spells but you’ll need to get very close in order for it to work. Throwing bombs might help as well, but you’ll have to anticipate his movements. It’s best done after Caranthir’s teleportation.
  9. After defeating Caranthir, the ice breaks and Geralt falls deep into the water. Swim top side while evading falling debris and not drown.
  10. Now that we are out of the water, it is time to board the Naglfar and face Eredin. Getting there won’t be easy, so make sure you’ve got plenty of bombs and food.
  11. We’re finally face Eredin. To be able to deal great damage, we must anticipate his moves, and that includes his teleportation. Fighting him on the Naglfar is great since it’s a small space, but he then opens a portal and transports Geralt to a much wider plain.
  12. Pay close attention to his attacks and where he is stationary. Here, he stands still with one hand above his head, seemingly calling down a rain of exploding orbs. Get close to him while he is in this state to be able to deal damage.
  13. Next thing to notice is when he kneels with one knee and one hand on the ground and summons exploding orbs in front of Geralt. He will be very far from you to do this, bombs have little effect so you’ll need to get very close. Avoid all the orbs so you won’t take damage.
  14. And finally his attack where he sends waves of frost towards Geralt. First swing sends one wave. The second sends three and the third sends five waves.
  15. With very low HP, Eredin attempts to escape using a portal. Follow him, and you will be back at the Naglfar.
  16. A cut scene is played where Geralt delivers a very lucky and damaging strike to Eredin. Hitting the enemies mask with the tip of his blade and gouging out his eye in the process.
  17. With his dying breathe he tells Geralt about how Avallac’h had played them all and took Cirila for himself.

Tedd Deireadh, The Final Age

  1. Follow Yennefer and head towards the tower.
  2. To get there faster you may ride a horse. But we’ve found that to be troublesome as the horses are easily spooked which delays our movement forward, and so we proceeded on foot.
  3. After reaching the ruins, Yennefer will create a tear in the magic barricade. Enter it to proceed to the Elven Tower.
  4. Geralt was about to attack Avallac’h when Ciri appears from behind.
  5. She tells Geralt that it was she who wanted to open the tower. To finally confront her destiny and to end the White Frost.
  6. Ciri then enters the portal.

Something Ends, Something Begins

The game’s ending will depend on the previous choices made by Geralt. Particularly choices made in the following quests. After reading the possible outcomes listed below, click here to check which path Ciri took after all the decisions we made during the game.

Ciri Dies

This ending can only be achieved by selecting the highlighted options as responses to events and questions.

  1. Blood on the Battlefield – select the option “Relax, you don’t have to be good at everything”. Visit and accept payment from Emhyr by selecting “Definitely need it more than you”.
  2. Final PreparationsAccompany Ciri to meet with Philippa and Margarita.
  3. Child of the Elder Blood – select the option “Calm down” when she loses her temper and the option “No time” when she asks to visit Skjalls grave.

Ciri lives and becomes a Witcher

This ending can only be achieved by selecting the highlighted options as responses to events and questions.

  1. Blood on the Battlefield – select “Velen then”.
  2. Final Preparations – make Ciri go alone to talk with the Philippa and Margarita.
  3. Child of Elder Blood – select “Go for it” when she loses her temper and the option “Yeah, I’ll go with you” when she asks to visit Skjalls grave.

Ciri lives and becomes the Empress

This ending can only be achieved by selecting the highlighted options as responses to events and questions.

  1. Blood on the Battlefield – select “I know what might lift your spirits”. After Bald Mountain select “Gotta visit the Emperor first” instead of Velen. Then select “Didn’t do it for the coin” when offered payment by Emhyr.
  2. Make sure that Nilfgaard wins in:
    • An Eye for an Eye.
    • A Deadly Plot.
    • Redania’s Most Wanted.
    • Blindingly Obvious – be pleasant with Djikstra.
    • Reason of State – go against Djikstra.
  3. Child of the Elder Blood – select “Go for it” when she loses her temper and select “Yeah, I’ll go with you” when she asks to visit Skjalls grave.

How did your story end? Let us know in the comments below!