To level up faster, players must do their best “to leave no stone unturned.” This takes time, and if you play it on your own and don’t know what you are doing, it might even take longer. However, to ensure that you gain more experience and level up faster; we’ve put together a list of quests that players need to complete in order to leave the White Orchard with a higher character level.
Lilac and Gooseberies
- Kill the Ghouls.
- After killing them, follow Vesemir.
- Go to the Tavern in White Orchard.
- Ask Travelers about Yennefer. There are three different conversations you can have. The first is with two peasants.
(Tip: Pay close attention for opportunities to use the Axii Sign)
The second is Aldert Geert, Assistant Professor in Comtemporary History at Oxenfurt Academy, and he will challenge you to a game of Gwent.
Third is Gaunter O’Dimm. He will tell you that he saw her talking to the Nilfgaardian captain.
(don’t forget the name and face).
- Go out of the tavern and ask the Nilfgaardians about Yennefer and complete the griffin contract.
The Beast of White Orchard
Nilfgaard Captain Peter Saar Gwynleve requests that you help them dispose of the griffin that’s been terrorizing Temeria.
- You are asked to visit Tomira, an herbalist and ask about Buckthorn.
- Gather Buckthorn from the riverbed. Use your Witcher Sense to find them quickly.
- After gathering the necessary herb, proceed to Mislav and ask about where he found the bodies that were slaughtered by the griffin.
- Kill the dogs that have fed on the dead bodies.
- Examine the area where the Nilgaardian Soldiers were killed. Use your Witcher Sense to find clues.
- Follow the Soldiers tracks and report to Vesemir afterwards.
- Prepare to fight the griffin by brewing the thunderbolt potion.
- Press Backspace to proceed to the game menu.
- Select Alchemy. Under Potions select Thunderbolt and press E to commence crafting.
- Equip the potion by going to your inventory. On the Potions tab, click and drag the potion into the characters consumable slot.
- Meet with Vesemir in the field.
- Use the Thunderbolt Potion to increase you attack power, your crossbow and your normal and magic attacks.
- Click the Center Mouse Button to fire your crossbow.
- To prove that you have fulfilled your end of the contract, take a trophy off of the griffin and return to the Nilfgaardians to collect your reward.
Precious Cargo
To start this quest you need to:
- Talk to The Merchant.
- Agree to find his missing box.
- Use your Witcher Sense to locate where the cart went.
- Inspect around the Cart to see if you find anything.
- Check the body by the tree.
- The box is found just opposite the cart and the body.
- Return to the Merchant.
- You find out that he’s lying and that he is not an actual merchant.
- Pursue him as he flees.
- You can knock him off the horse either by striking him with your sword or hitting him with your crossbow.
- It is now up to your good judgement which option you choose to detemine your lying merchants fate.
Contract: Devil by the Well
- Find the spirit that haunts the well.
- Proceed to the Abandoned Village.
- Check around to find clues about the haunting.
- Check inside the house on your mini map for a journal.
- Take it and read to find more information about the haunting.
- Meditate until the afternoon. 1pm-4pm is fine. During this time the Noonwraith appears.
- You cannot do damage to it in its astral form.
- Use the Yrden Sign and make sure the noonwraith is inside it to inflict damage.
- After inflicting damage, the noonwraith disappears.
- You need to search the three houses again to find more clues then proceed to the well and check the rope.
- Jump into the well and find some artifact that connects to the haunting.
- Once found, get out of the cave using the underground pools.
- Return to the well and burn the bones.
- The Noonwraith reappears for the last time.
- Kill it to stop the haunting.
- Return to Odolan for your reward.
- If you return and visit the Abandoned Village, it will now be occupied with people.
Twisted Firestarter
- Visit Willis by the forge.
- Use your Witcher Sense to check for clues at the back of the house.
- Follow the trail and see where it leads you.
- The trails stops at the bridge.
Check around it to find more clues.
- New found trails lead you to a house where you find the suspect.
- Use the Axii Sign and escort him back to Willis.
- He will now be captured by the Nilfgaardians for punishment.
A Frying Pan, Spick and Span
- Visit this hut by the beach and talk to the Old Woman.
- Use Ard to destroy the door.
- Check inside the house to find a frying pan in the kitchen.
- Take it and return it to the Old Woman.
Bulletin Board
Towns have Bulletin Boards that contains other quests or commissions that provide good rewards.
In addition to this list are hidden quests, which will also give you a bit of experience to help you level up faster. Do this and Geralt will have a greater advantage against enemies in combat.
Other ways of increasing your level is by actively looking for monsters you can slay, preferably the ones that are the same level as you are. Crafting potions and other materials. Improve you mutagen, the stronger you are, the faster you kill enemies, the faster you gain experience points.
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