How To Play Idle Heroes Part 1

Early on, the game provides the basic tutorial on navigating and conducting campaigns; After that, however, you are left to fend for yourself. There are a lot of things happening in this game, and we have prepared something to point you in the right direction.

Daily Quests

This should be your priority every day you login. There are a total of ten daily quests that you should accomplish each day. Each daily quest will reward you with a valuable resource that when accumulated can be game changing, and after you accomplish them, you will receive 100 gems as an additional reward. If unfinished, these quest will remain available until the next server refresh.

Name of QuestRewards
Use Hand of Midas 1x to gain Gold.2x Wishing Coins
Send Out Hearts.250x Monster Souls
Spin 2x on the Wishing Fountain.30x Gems
Start 2x Tavern Quests.641k Gold
Buy any item in the Marketplace.50x Chaos Stone
Complete 1x Basic Summon.382k Hero Upgrade EXP
Complete 1x Heroic Summon.50x Gems
Complete 3x Battles in Arena2x Arena Ticket
Get Rewards 2x in Campaign.20x Gems
Claim the Check In Reward.350x Magic Dust
Complete all Daily Quests.100x Gems

Check In

Check-in’s are part of the Daily Quests. It provides the player’s hero fragments, gems, summoning scrolls, and many more. If you complete the 30-day login, you will get a guaranteed 50 hero fragments and a huge amount of gems.

Send Out Hearts

Send a heart gift to your friends is another of the daily quests. Accumulating enough hearts, 100 to be exact, will allow players to perform the Friendship Summon. With which the players will receive 10 random ranked heroes to add to their roster.

Basic, Heroic and Friendship Summons

Here we are able to summon random rank & faction heroes. We need Basic and Heroic Summoning scrolls to do so and, as we previously mentioned, the hearts to be able to do a Friendship Summon.

Wishing Fountain

A Wishing Fountain is one of two types of fountains available. The other one is named Super Wishing Fountain which uses a different kind of coin. Here a roulette is spun round and will cost players 1 coin for 1 wish or 8 coins for 10 wishes. In the roulette are the corresponding rewards a player may receive.

Tavern Quests

The Tavern Quest contains two distinctions, the Team and Individual Quests; however, they differ only in name since both will require you to send out heroes to accomplish random quests ranked 1 through 7.


The game has finally optimized the market. Now everything you need to purchase is found in just one place. It is here that you get to spend all your hard earned in-game money. Available for purchase are heroes, skins, summoning scrolls, artifacts and so much more.


This is where you’ll get the majority of your experience whilst you are away playing other games. Your designated heroes continue their journey in fighting enemies and gaing experience and rewards as they move forward. Each campaign is composed of stages. As your reach the last stage, you then unlock the next island. Once you completed all the islands, you will then restart campaining with a much higher diffuiculty.

Hand of Midas

Allows all players to collect a certain amount of gold for free. They may also opt in to using gems to collect more gold.


In here lies the true test of strength for your heroes. The arena is where you battle other players from other servers. Fighting to increase fame and ranking amongst your friends and against other players.

Seal Land

This PvE domain is used to test the strenght of your heroes according to their faction. This also gives you insight on which faction you could give focus to balance the effectiveness of your team. Please note that a team is composed of six heroes. A minimum of three heroes having the same faction may result in the availability of an aura which adds bonus attributes to your heroes.

Brave Trial

The Brave Trial is a PvP dungeon with stages of varying difficulties. This dungeon opens for 24 hour with 48 hour interval between openings. It has two modes, Day and Night with the latter giving higher rewards. At times you are matched with tougher players and with a bit of luck you get to face off with your own team. For every stage you may purchase power ups for your heroes using trial badges as currency. And you obtain them each time you win a challenge.

These are the few of the things you need to remember to visit whenever you log in to Idle Heroes. Also, don’t forget to link your account so you won’t lose any progress you’ve made if you switch devices.

We will be doing a follow up on this as there are a lot more that this game offers. For the meantime, if you found this to be helpful, let us know what you think by leaving a comment below.