How to Treat Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Naturally

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma is a very common type of cancer, and like other diseases, it can be treated naturally. Aside from traditional medical procedures and medicines, there are several alternatives for treating the disease. However, we recommend consulting with your physician. Some of them are:


This herb is widely known for its effective cleansing benefits. It is traditionally used to clean the lymphatic system, to relieve swollen glands and to treat tumors and lumps. It has a flushing effect on the human body.


This useful herb can help the individual to eliminate an enzyme called epithelial growth factor that stimulates the growth of cancer cells in the human body. By limiting the development of such enzyme, the individual is less likely to suffer from any type of cancer in the future.

Green Tea

It has been scientifically proven that green tea has powerful anti-cancerous properties, and it can be used to battle against the development of cancer cells in the human body.

Red Clover

Recent research has found that this plant can help the individual to eliminate toxins through sweating.

Pau d’Arco 

This plant can be used to fight the lymphoma and its symptoms, as it has antioxidant, antiviral, laxative, analgesic and other properties.

Echinacea red root 

Used mostly to boost the immune system and prepare it against viruses and several diseases.

Reishi Mushroom

This mushroom has several antioxidant properties that can be useful in the fight against cancer by strengthening the immune system.

Apart from the enlisted herbs and natural alternatives, the person can also incorporate hot and cold bath into their daily routine, with the purpose of detoxifying and relaxing the body and muscles. It is important to bear in mind that a healthy and balanced diet is essential to prevent cancer and other diseases, as one of the main risk factors of non-Hodgkin Lymphoma is over-weight. Drinking water, and maintaining a daily exercise routine is therefore vital. Finally, it is important to consider that most of the mentioned herbal alternatives still need further scientific investigation.