Is ADHD Contagious?

When people say “contagious,” this means that a specific kind of contact easily transmits a disease. By definition, contagious diseases are infectious, spread by either physical contact from person to person, or by contact with an agent such as a mosquito or tick carrying the virus or infectious material.

Suffice it to say, ADHD is not contagious — being around people who have ADHD do not put you at risk of then contracting ADHD. Even if a mosquito bites someone with ADHD and then bites you next, there is still zero chance that you will have ADHD because of the mosquito bite. Instead, ADHD is hereditary and genetic and can be passed down to your children. No amount of contact and mingling with ADHD children and adults will ever make you “catch” ADHD.


Comments 2

mrsanjaykumar says:
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kon joo lee says:
ADHD may contagious. But not a microbial infection. ADHD infection agent may EMF, negative charge, microbial metabolite, accident induced molecule, and etc. Cure may simple. Remove the harmful energy or molecule. Rebooting the nervous control systems. It may instantly FIX.