Is Fibromyalgia Genetic?


Image: hxdbzxy

People with fibromyalgia often ask, “Is fibromyalgia genetic?” It’s a hard question to answer, especially when little is known about how fibromyalgia works. But it’s something that could be relevant to getting the best possible treatment. So let’s look at the evidence.

Is fibromyalgia genetic?

If you have fibromyalgia, there’s a good chance that you know someone in your family who also has it. According to research, fibromyalgia does tend to run in families. And that implies that there is a genetic component to the disease.

The fact that fibromyalgia might be genetic means that the genes that are responsible for so much about the way your body works are passing along fibromyalgia.

But that also means that if someone in your family has fibromyalgia, then you are also likely to develop fibromyalgia.

What does that mean for you?

Because we know that fibromyalgia is genetic, we know that having a relative with fibromyalgia is a red flag when it comes to the possibility of being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. So if someone in your family has the disease, you should keep on guard for the signs that you are also developing it.

Fibromyalgia can’t be cured, but it can be treated. And there’s no reason to spend years suffering without any treatment at all from mysterious aches and pains because you didn’t realize you had the disease.

After all, many people with fibromyalgia can go years before finding out that the cause of their pain is in fact, fibromyalgia.

So with your knowledge of the fact that fibromyalgia is genetic, you can have a better chance of catching it early.

How do I know if I have fibromyalgia?

There are a few warning signs of fibromyalgia that you should watch out for:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Muscle pain
  • Joint stiffness and ache

If you have any of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Tell them if fibromyalgia runs in your family. This will alert them to the possibility that you have fibromyalgia and they should begin tests.

Just remember that the best way to deal with fibromyalgia is to be proactive about managing your symptoms. And get a diagnosis as soon as possible.

Comments 2

Alex Leaman says:
It’s clear to me the the writer does not suffer from this illness, yes there are treatments but you are very very wrong on no need to suffer or be in pain who are you kidding? Also I’ve known for years that’s it runs in family’s my family are on 4th generation of sufferers.. if you want to know some true helpful facts from someone who has suffered for more than 20 years , contact me, see how I live and write a report that’s filled with facts and tips that just might help others !!!
Wyatt Redd says:
Hi Alex, thanks for reading. My choice of words was probably a bit inelegant. Thank you for pointing it out. Specifically, what I meant to say was there’s no reason to forego treatment just because you didn’t get a diagnosis as early as possible.
With that being said, we love to hear stories and tips from our readers. I’d love to hear more about the role that genetics plays in fibromyalgia if you have any insight you want to share. You say four generations of people in your family have had it? That must have been extremely hard on your family. What’s it been like for you to live with that? And do you have any tips you want to share that might help other readers? Again, thanks for reading and commenting. We really do appreciate it.