Neurofeedback Procedure Relieves Chronic Pain in Fibro Patients

Neurofeedback is also known as electroencephalogram (EEG) biofeedback. It is a process that is based on electrical brain activity. It involves training the brain in which researchers can study how it functions through the use of electrodes that are applied to the scalp. The neurofeedback procedure can help relieve chronic pain in fibromyalgia patients by studying and regulating brain activity.

Please note I am not a doctor. Although this article has undergone extensive research, you should always consult with your doctor. Talk to your doctor about any questions or concerns you may have about your condition. Do not replace the following information with your doctor’s advice.

Dealing with Chronic Pain

Before discussing how the neurofeedback procedure works, let’s look at chronic pain in fibromyalgia patients. Chronic pain is defined as persistent pain that can lasts from weeks to years. Fibromyalgia patients try to cope with the widespread chronic pain that is associated with the condition. Besides dealing with the chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia, patients may also have other symptoms, such as fatigue, difficulty sleeping, depression, and more.

Dealing with chronic pain can be difficult for people living with fibromyalgia. However, there are options. You can practice coping strategies, such as meditation or deep-breathing exercises. Another option is that you can try neurofeedback therapy.

Neurofeedback Procedure

How does it work?

Researchers do not know exactly how or why neurofeedback works. However, the procedure has been known to help with relaxation and pain relief.

In addition to extensive pain, fibromyalgia patients may also experience other conditions that can greatly impact their day-to-day lives, including chronic fatigue, mood disorders, and mental health issues. Neurofeedback can help relieve pain and possibly other conditions associated with fibromyalgia by focusing on the brain. The brain is where neuronal signals are processed and transferred, which is important to consider while exploring the topic of pain.

The neurofeedback procedure involves the process in which you receive feedback from your brain about what your mental state is like. With this information, you can determine what are pain related areas. Therefore, this can help change and train your brain as well as measure your brain activity in relation to your pain.

It may take time to observe and analyze your responses, but most sessions tend to last between 30 to 60 minutes. Make sure to talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about the procedure. Although your therapist may suggest the neurofeedback procedure, it is always a good idea to discuss any new technique related to your health with your doctor.

Are there any side effects?

Fortunately, this procedure is considered as a safe method and it has no known side effects. However, this does not mean that this procedure is necessarily right for you. Before starting the procedure, make sure to discuss it with your doctor first.

Can I do it myself?

It can get expensive, but there may be commercial devices available. It can be available as a handheld device. Additionally, you may be able to connect it to the computer, which makes it accessible and easier to observe your responses. However, this option should be considered very carefully. Before doing it yourself you should be aware of the possibility of scams. Do not trust all manufacturers. This is why it is important to discuss all options with your doctor. Your doctor may recommend you should at least begin the procedure with a professional, especially because learning about the method can take time.

Pros and Cons

In conclusion, the neurofeedback procedure can be a great option to relieve pain in fibromyalgia patients. Let’s look at some pros and cons associated with the procedure:


  • If neurofeedback is successful, you may be able to train your brain to cope with certain symptoms, including chronic pain.
  • You may be able to eventually learn to complete the procedure at home and on your own.
  • It may decrease the amount of medication needed for certain symptoms.
  • It is a noninvasive treatment.
  • There are no known side effects or risks.


  • The procedure can take time.
  • It can be expensive.
  • It’s not for everyone.

There is a lot of information regarding the neurofeedback procedure, which can get a bit overwhelming. However, your doctor is there to help you. Make sure to contact your doctor to address any of your questions or concerns. Because neurofeedback involves your health, you should consider this procedure carefully. It is important to reach out to a health care professional who you trust before starting the neurofeedback procedure.