Healthy Smile Equals Healthy Heart?

A multi-year study, presented at the American Heart Association scientific meeting in Orlando, claims that people who underwent regular, professional tooth cleaning enjoyed reduced bacterial growth that can lead to heart disease, reports Reuters´ Bill Berkrot.

Taiwan researchers showed a 24 percent lower risk of heart attack and 13 percent lower risk of stroke in more than 100,000 patients, compared to those who never had a dental cleaning. None of the study subjects had a history of prior heart attack or stroke, but the analysis did not adjust for risk factors such as smoking or obesity.

“Protection from heart disease and stroke was more pronounced in participants who got tooth scaling at least once a year,” said Dr. Zu-Yin Chen, a cardiology fellow at Veterans General Hospital in Taipei.

Scientists considered tooth scaling frequent if it occurred at least twice or more in two years; occasional tooth scaling was once or less in two years and the participants were followed for an average of seven years.

Chronic inflammation was most likely behind the association, reports Catherine Pearson for Huffington Post. Chen explained that prior research has suggested teeth scaling reduces inflammation-causing bacteria and improves blood vessel function, thus keeping blood flowing properly.

“They have identified an interesting association, but they haven´t explained why it is happening,” said Dr. Myerburg, a professor of medicine and physiology in the cardiovascular division at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.

“It could be direct, in the sense that inflammation in the gums may trigger inflammation in the heart. Or it may be indirect in that the population that is compulsive about scaling is also compulsive about other health care. They´re doing good things for their heart at the same time that they´re doing good things for their gums.”

The next-step, research-wise, would be to look at how other modifiable factors like weight and smoking affect their results, Chen explained.

Researchers are also considering whether tooth scaling might lower susceptibility to other diseases, as well. Studies suggest that people suffering from gum disease were more likely to develop heart disease and deliver preterm babies.

According to National Institute of Health´s National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, it is unclear whether gum disease actually causes these issues and whether controlling it prevents them. As such research continues, experts agree it can´t hurt to play it safe.

“What I think is it´s a good idea to take care of your gums. And scaling can be an important part of that,” Myerburg said.

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