Study: What makes a penis ‘good-looking’?

A recent study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine has attempted to help males with feelings of inadequacy by determining what exactly females find attractive in penises.

The examination stemmed from research into hypospadias, one of the most common penile malformations. (It occurs in around 1 in 200 live male births.) In hypospadias, the urethral opening is misplaced, and generally is corrected by surgery within the first year of life.

Despite the quick fix, men who have undergone this surgery are still reported to be less satisfied with their penile appearance and size than men without hypospadias, and are reported to be concerned about their genitalia appearing abnormal. Before this study, it was unclear whether the hypospadias-affected surgically repaired genitals (HASRGs) appeared abnormal to others as well, and in general what part of penile appearance was relevant to women (and therefore played a role in considering one “normal”).

So, the researchers decided to investigate whether HASRGs are considered “normal”-looking as compared to unaffected circumcised genitals, along with what women considered to be relevant aspects of penile appearance.

105 women of varying ages, sexual histories, and socioeconomic backgrounds were given pictures of HASRGs and circumcised genitals, and were asked to rate them on a four-point scale of “normalcy”. Then, the women were also given a questionnaire that asked them to rate, on a scale of one to five, how important certain aspects were in a penis. There were eight aspects in total: penile length, penile girth, position and shape of meatus (urethral opening), shape of glans, appearance of scrotum, shape of penile skin, appearance of pubic hair, and general cosmetic appearance.

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The results

These two exercises were given in a different order for half the group, in case the pictures altered the priorities of the women—and in fact, it did affect the ratings in that group. However, there were several areas in which all of the women agreed.

First: The genitals of the HASRGs were generally ranked as normal by the women, and the position and shape of the urethral opening was ranked as dead last in importance.

Second: Penile length came in sixth place for importance—the women agreed that the “general cosmetic appearance” of penises was the most important aspect for them.

In summation, men with hypospadias-affected surgically repaired genitals seem to have little to worry about, and men in general should focus on their “cosmetic appearance”. The researchers hope these findings improve male morale.

“The information may help prevent the development of shame or impaired genital perceptions about penile appearance,” said Dr. Norma Ruppen, lead author of the study, in a statement.

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