Tops in the Nation — Press Ganey Announces 2006 Health Care Award Winners

NEW YORK, Nov. 16 /PRNewswire/ — Press Ganey Associates, Inc. officially announced today its elite class of 2006 award-winning health care organizations; including the unveiling of the prestigious Summit Award, which recognizes those organizations that have achieved and sustained the highest level of excellence. Press Ganey is the industry’s leading satisfaction measurement and improvement firm, and partners with more than 7,000 health care facilities to improve the quality of health care delivery.

During a ceremony Monday evening at the Press Ganey National Client Conference in New York City, Dr. Melvin F. Hall, president and chief executive officer of Press Ganey, stated, “We are proud to partner with organizations that place a premium on patient, employee, and physician satisfaction. These organizations live their mission, vision, and values every day. In an industry filled with passion and dedication, it is important to pay tribute to those organizations that are leading the charge to improve quality — the Press Ganey Awards recognize these leaders.”

More than 2,100 health care leaders were onsite at the conference to congratulate the winning organizations.

The following is the list of recipients of each of the three awards given by Press Ganey.

The Summit Award is presented to top performing organizations that have not only achieved the highest level of customer satisfaction — within the top 5% of health care organizations — but have also sustained this level of excellence consistently for a minimum of three years. The Press Ganey Summit Award is the health care satisfaction industry’s most prestigious symbol of achievement. This honor has been awarded to 61 organizations in the categories of Ambulatory Surgery, Emergency Department, Inpatient, Medical Practice, and Outpatient Services.

   Affinity Medical Center,    Massillon Campus      Massillon        OH   Emergency Department   Aurora Health Center    in Mishicot           Mishicot         WI   Medical Practice   Baptist Health    Rehabilitation    Institute             Little Rock      AR   Outpatient   Baptist Hospital       Pensacola        FL   Inpatient, Outpatient   Baptist Medical Park   Pensacola        FL   Ambulatory Surgery   Boone County Hospital  Boone            IA   Emergency Department   Calvary Hospital       Bronx            NY   Inpatient   Clinton Hospital       Clinton          MA   Outpatient   E.J. Schuck    Pediatrics, LLC       State College    PA   Medical Practice   Eastside Endoscopy    Center                St. Clair Shores MI   Ambulatory Surgery   Elliot 1-Day    Surgery Center        Manchester       NH   Ambulatory Surgery   Genesis Medical    Center, DeWitt        DeWitt           IA   Emergency Department   Goshen Health    System, The Retreat    Women's Health Center Goshen           IN   Outpatient   Greenwich Hospital     Greenwich        CT   Inpatient   Gulf Breeze Hospital   Gulf Breeze      FL   Ambulatory Surgery,                                                Emergency Department,                                                Inpatient   Gundersen Lutheran,    Inc.                  LaCrosse         WI   Emergency Department   Hamilton Ambulatory    Surgery Center, Inc.  Dalton           GA   Ambulatory Surgery   Hampshire Internal    Medicine, Elliot    Physician Network     Manchester       NH   Medical Practice   Jay Hospital/Atmore    Community Hospital    Jay              FL   Inpatient   Kansas University    Dental Associates     Westwood         KS   Medical Practice   Lancaster General    Women & Babies    Hospital              Lancaster        PA   Inpatient   Lexington Medical    Center, Irmo          West Columbia    SC   Ambulatory Surgery   Lexington Medical    Center, Lexington     Lexington        SC   Ambulatory Surgery   Lodi Community    Hospital              Lodi             OH   Emergency Department   McConnell Heart    Health Center,    OhioHealth            Columbus         OH   Outpatient   Memorial Regional    Breast Care Center    South Bend       IN   Outpatient   Methodist Medical    Group, Perinatology   Peoria           IL   Medical Practice,                                                Outpatient   Middlesex Hospital    Marlborough Medical    Center                Marlborough      CT   Emergency Department   Middlesex Hospital    Shoreline Medical    Center                Essex            CT   Emergency Department   Mississippi Baptist    Medical Center        Jackson          MS   Inpatient   New Albany Surgical    Hospital              New Albany       OH   Inpatient   Oklahoma Heart    Hospital              Oklahoma City    OK   Inpatient   OSF Medical Group -    Cullom                Cullom           IL   Medical Practice   OSF Medical Group -    Dwight                Dwight           IL   Medical Practice   OSF Medical Group -    Williamsfield         Williamsfield    IL   Medical Practice   Pekin Hospital         Pekin            IL   Home Health   Petrucci Family    Health Care, UPMC    University of    Pittsburgh    Physicians            Hermitage        PA   Medical Practice   Sacred Heart Hospital  Eau Claire       WI   Inpatient   Sharp Coronado    Hospital              Coronado         CA   Emergency Department   Shriners Burns    Hospital              Boston           MA   Outpatient   Shriners Hospitals for    Children              Cincinnati       OH   Outpatient   Southwestern Vermont    Medical Center        Bennington       VT   Emergency Department,                                                Inpatient   St. John's Medical    Center                Jackson          WY   Emergency Department   St. Joseph Hospital/    Full Circle    Midwifery             Nashua           NH   Medical Practice   St. Vincent Surgery    Center                Erie             PA   Ambulatory Surgery   The Cancer Institute    of New Jersey    Hamilton              Hamilton         NJ   Medical Practice   The John and Mary E.    Kirby Hospital        Monticello       IL   Emergency Department   The Office of Bernard    Adukaitis, DO         Frackville       PA   Medical Practice   The Office of    Christopher Justofin,    DO, Integrated Medical    Group                 West Hazleton    PA   Medical Practice   The Office of John    McGeehan, MD          Scranton         PA   Medical Practice   The Office of    Malcolm S. Thaler,    MD                    Villanova        PA   Medical Practice   Thibodaux Regional    Medical Center        Thibodaux        LA   Inpatient   Virginia Baptist    Hospital              Lynchburg        VA   Inpatient   Warren Clinic,    Pediatric Hematology/    Oncology Clinic at    St. Francis Children's    Hospital              Tulsa            OK   Medical Practice   Warren Clinic,    St. Francis Health    System                Tulsa            OK   Medical Practice   Wright Medical Center  Clarion          IA   Inpatient    

The Compass Award recognizes organizations that have shown the most improvement over two years in overall patient and resident satisfaction. A commitment to improvement characterizes recipients of the Compass Award.

   Advocate Good    Samaritan Hospital    Downers Grove    IL   Outpatient Greater than                                                 75K Procedures   Avera McKennan    Home Care             Sioux Falls      SD   Home Health   Betsy Johnson    Regional Hospital     Dunn             NC   Inpatient 100-299 Beds   Brian Center Health    & Rehabilitation    Center/Spruce Pine    Spruce Pine      NC   Nursing Home   Central Peninsula    Hospital              Soldotna         AK   Ambulatory   CHRISTUS Santa Rosa    Rehabilitation    Hospital              San Antonio      TX   Inpatient Rehabilitation   Claxton-Hepburn    Medical Center        Ogdensburg       NY   Emergency Department Less                                                 than 30K Visits   Falls Memorial    Hospital              International    MN   Ambulatory, Inpatient Less                           Falls                 than 100 beds   FirstHealth Richmond    Memorial Hospital     Rockingham       NC   Emergency Department Less                                                 than 30K Visits,                                                 Inpatient 100-299 beds   Floyd Primary Care     Rome             GA   Medical Practice   Foote Health System    Jackson          MI   Inpatient 300-449 Beds   Galion Community    Hospital              Galion           OH   Outpatient Less than 75K                                                 Procedures   Grandview Medical    Center                Dayton           OH   Inpatient 300-449 Beds   Grossmont Hospital,    Sharp HealthCare      LaMesa           CA   Inpatient Rehabilitation   Heritage Valley    Medical Center,    Beaver Campus         Beaver           PA   Inpatient 300-449 Beds   Iberia Medical    Center                New Iberia       LA   Outpatient Less than 75K                                                 Procedures   John Muir Medical    Center                Walnut Creek     CA   Oncology   Lakeland Regional    Medical Center        Lakeland         FL   Inpatient 450+ Beds   Lexington Memorial    Hospital              Lexington        NC   Outpatient Greater than                                                 75K Procedures   Little Company of    Mary Hospital         Evergreen Park   IL   Home Health   Mercy Memorial    Hospital              Urbana           OH   Inpatient Less than 100                                                 Beds   Methodist Hospital     Philadelphia     PA   Emergency Department Less                                                 than 30K Visits   Moore County    Hospital District     Dumas            TX   Ambulatory   Newport Hospital    Behavioral Health    Unit                  Newport          RI   Inpatient Behavioral                                                 Health   Norton Southwest    Medical Center        Louisville       KY   Outpatient Less than 75K                                                 Procedures   Ochsner Health System  New Orleans      LA   Inpatient 450+ Beds   Pipestone County    Medical Center,    Avera Health          Pipestone        MN   Nursing Home   Prince William    Hospital              Manassas         VA   Outpatient Greater than                                                 75K Procedures   Saint Clare's    Behavioral Health    Hospital              Denville         NJ   Inpatient Behavioral                                                 Health   Saint Mary's Nell J.    Redfield Health    Centers               Reno             NV   Medical Practice   San Jacinto Methodist    Hospital              Houston          TX   Emergency Department                                                 Greater than 30K Visits   Sioux Center    Community Hospital &    Health Center/    Royal Meadows         Sioux Center     IA   Nursing Home   Springfield Hospital   Springfield      PA   Inpatient 100-299 Beds   St. Anthony Hospital   Oklahoma City    OK   Inpatient 450+ Beds   St. Anthony    Medical Center        Crown Point      IN   Inpatient Rehabilitation   St. John Macomb    Hospital              Warren           MI   Emergency Department                                                 Greater than 30K Visits   Tuomey Healthcare    System                Sumter           SC   Emergency Department                                                 Greater than 30K Visits   University of    Virginia Health    System                Charlottesville  VA   Inpatient Behavioral                                                 Health   Valley Regional    Hospital              Claremont        NH   Inpatient Less than 100                                                 Beds   Washington Cancer    Institute at    Washington Hospital    Center                Washington DC         Oncology   Women and Infants    Hospital of    Rhode Island          Providence       RI   Oncology   Yukon-Kuskokwim    Health Corporation    Bethel           AK   Medical Practice    

The Success Stories Award recognizes organizations that have demonstrated leadership, overcome challenges, and implemented organizational change to successfully increase customer satisfaction.

    -- Baptist Health South Florida       Coral Gables, FL    -- The Emory Clinic, Inc.             Atlanta, GA    -- Hudson Valley Hospital Center      Cortlandt Manor, NY    -- McKee Medical Center               Loveland, CO    -- OhioHealth                         Columbus, OH    -- Spectrum Health                    Grand Rapids, MI     About Press Ganey  

For over 20 years, Press Ganey has been committed to providing insightful information that allows our more than 7,000 health care facilities to continuously improve their performance. Our foundation for success is built upon dedication to scientific integrity, relentless responsiveness to our clients’ changing requirements, and an overall passion for helping our clients succeed. By pursuing and acting upon input from our clients, we are consistently able to develop and deliver the newest innovations. We continue to succeed by exchanging knowledge with our clients, and facilitating the exchange of knowledge between our clients.

Press Ganey Associates, Inc.

CONTACT: Matt Mulherin of Press Ganey Associates, Inc., +1-800-232-8032,[email protected]