There is hardly a person out there who hasn’t heard of steroids. And whenever someone brings them up, the odds are pretty good that they will do so in the context of substance abuse. As such, the side effects of steroids should be a common enough topic. However, there is a very big distinction one needs to make before talking this subject.
In other words, it is possible to create quite a bit of confusion when talking about steroids. And the reason is that the term can actually refer to two different substances: corticosteroids and anabolic steroids. And although there are some chemical similarities between them, they do not act in the same way and do not produce the same results.
For this reason, it is very important to make the distinction between the two. In order to ensure you get the whole picture, this text will cover both of them. You will learn what they are, what they’re used for, and what the side effect of their use (and in the case of anabolic steroids, abuse) can be.
Corticosteroids are drugs used to combat inflammations. They are a synthetic version of the hormones (usually cortisone) that your body produces in the adrenal glands. They can come in several forms: tablets or syrups to be taken orally, inhalers, creams, or injections.
A dose of corticosteroids will help reduce inflammation and the associated swelling. It will also make your immune system less active – this is crucial for the treatment of some conditions even though it sounds counterintuitive.
You see, while the immune system is how your organism defends against illnesses, sometimes it can attack a body part by mistake. This is called an autoimmune condition. When that happens, corticosteroids can be extremely helpful.
Due to their effect, these steroids have found a use in the treatment of a diverse range of medical conditions. Some of them are:
- Asthma
- Eczema (another name for this condition is dermatitis – it is characterized by red and itchy skin)
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Lupus
- Crohn’s disease
These are just a few examples, and there are many other uses for these drugs. But whatever the medical condition may be, corticosteroids are a very important part of the treatment. At times, the patient’s very survival depends on them.
Side Effects of Corticosteroids
As valuable as they may be, corticosteroids can have their side effects, just like any other drug. The potential severity of these side effects depends on the dosage and the length of time a person uses the treatment.
Some of the side effects can include:
Improper Response to Physical Stress
When you suffer an injury or get an illness, your adrenal glands are supposed to respond appropriately. But if you’ve been taking corticosteroids for a longer period of time, that may not happen. Under those circumstances, you need to receive additional steroids to make up for the lack. This condition should pass with time.
Withdrawal Syndrome
If you’ve been taking corticosteroids for a while and suddenly stop, you can experience symptoms such as fatigue, fever, etc. That’s why you need to slowly discontinue use.
We’ve already mentioned how corticosteroids affect your immune system. The downside is that you’re more susceptible to infections.
Corticosteroids can make it more difficult to fall asleep.
Weight Gain
Another potential problem with these drugs is increased appetite and the weight gain that comes with it.
There are quite a few other potential side effects of corticosteroids, but they do not change the fact that these drugs are very valuable. You just need to be careful with them.
Anabolic Steroids
Of the two drugs that share a part of their name, anabolic steroids (anabolic–androgenic steroids, to be more precise) are the more well-known. Or the more notorious, if we’re being honest. They are man-made substances that mimic testosterone, the male sex hormone.
As such, they help build muscle (that is the anabolic effect) and promote the development of physical traits characteristic to the male gender (the androgenic part). Outside of medical circles, the muscle-building part is much more famous and tends to draw the majority of attention.
These substances have attracted quite a bit of notoriety due to their misuse, but they are actually an invaluable tool in the treatment of a number of medical issues. For example, doctors will prescribe anabolic steroids to combat delayed puberty or to offset reduced levels of testosterone which can be brought about by several conditions.
Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids
When you hear someone refer to the side effects of steroids, they are most likely talking about athletes or bodybuilders who abuse anabolic steroids. This is the reason behind all the controversy surrounding these drugs. And while it is true that these substances can enhance performance and help with muscle growth, they can also cause a number of side effects – some of which are very serious and irreversible.
Among others, these side effects include:
Hormonal Problems
Because they disrupt the chemical balance within the body, anabolic steroids can wreak havoc on the hormonal system. In men, this can lead to several problems with the testes such as reduced function or shrinking. They can also cause hair loss or the development of breasts (known as gynecomastia). There is also an association between steroid abuse and a higher risk of testicular cancer.
When it comes to women, anabolic steroids can cause the appearance of masculine features. These include body hair and a deeper voice.
Cardiovascular Problems
Elevated blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke are just some of the conditions that can come from steroid abuse.
Because the most popular way to administer anabolic steroids is through injections and those who abuse them often do so in non-sterile conditions, there is an increased risk of catching serious infections. This can include conditions such as hepatitis B and C or HIV.
One of the most controversial aspects of anabolic steroid abuse is the alleged link with increased aggression. Colloquially, this is known as “roid rage”. While evidence isn’t fully conclusive and it is possible other factors are also in play, there have been numerous studies showing this connection.
Liver Problems
Liver damage and tumors are also possible side effects.
Skin Problems
The misuse of anabolic steroids can also lead to several skin problems. This includes acne and jaundice.
There is even more to say here, but this is enough to show how serious and wide-reaching the side effects of anabolic steroids can be.
Both corticosteroids and anabolic steroids can have a number of side effects. Still, the latter ones have attracted far more infamy due to their widespread abuse among athletes.
But as is the norm, both of these types of drugs can also be vital in the treatment of many conditions, reinforcing the notion that proper usage is key.