Top 5 Foods Fibromyalgia Patients Should Avoid

Understanding Fibromyalgia is a difficult thing to do, even with the nowadays’ progress in all areas of medical technology and research.

The fact that it is a real syndrome and that it affects millions of people yearly (only in the United States of America) is already clearly established, but other aspects of this syndrome may not be as clear as this one.

For instance, the causes that lead to the development of Fibromyalgia are still not very well known. Of course, most of the doctors agree that this is a neurobiological or a functional somatic disorder, and most of them will agree on the fact that its development is strongly related to an unbalance of the brain neuro-chemical elements that leads the brain to process the pain in a wrong way. Other than that though, everything else is still quite foggy.

While a list of clear causes has not yet been made, there is one related to the risk factors that could lead to developing this syndrome. Among these factors, genetics, diet, stress and other psychological elements play an important part.

For instance, stress can create abnormalities at the level of the neuro-chemical brain elements, which can eventually lead to developing Fibromyalgia. Also, depression and anxiety have been linked with this syndrome, but it has not been clearly established whether they should be considered a cause or an effect of the syndrome.

As for the symptoms of Fibromyalgia, only one aspect is clear: the fact that its main symptom is pain felt all over the body. Still, there are many other syndromes and diseases that may show the same symptom, as well as other Fibromyalgia common symptoms, so the diagnosis process can be complicated.

Top 5 Foods Fibromyalgia Patients Should Avoid

Headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances, irritable bowel, weak limbs, tingling and numb fingers and extremities are some other commonly encountered symptoms in the case of patients with Fibromyalgia.

Since the actual cause that leads to the development of Fibromyalgia in certain patients is not clear, there is no actual cure for the syndrome. Its separate symptoms can be treated and ameliorated though and there is a series of things a doctor will prescribe and recommend in these cases.

He/she will most likely prescribe a combination of drugs, which include pain relieving medication, anti-inflammatory medication, and even benzodiazepines and antidepressants.

In addition to this, most doctors will recommend taking advantage of the natural/alternative remedies available out there: yoga, meditation, acupuncture, Tai-Chi, and so on. Simply walking or relaxing in any other way may also be recommended.

As mentioned before, diet can play an important part both in the way Fibromyalgia can develop in a patient’s body and in the way it can be ameliorated. Since good nutrition is important even for healthy people, it is essential that you, as a Fibromyalgia patient, take good care of what you eat.

What you put in your mouth can make or break the entire set of treatment that you are undergoing, so be very careful about it. Here is a list of the 5 most dangerous foods in the case of the patients who are living with this syndrome:

Fast Food

You probably know it already: Fast Food is not good for your heart, not good for your stomach and definitely not good for your waistline. But when you are a Fibromyalgia patient, things can get even more complicated. Fast Food is most usually very rich in “bad” fats that will make your condition worse from many points of view.

First of all, this kind of food can irritate your stomach (which may already be a thing you are facing, so you do not need more of it). Secondly, it will affect the energy levels in your body (which may already be very low). Thirdly, it will not provide you with any nutrients that will help you make pain feel better.

Foods with additives

It may be tempting to indulge into a whole bag of gummy bears or chips, but it may not be as pain relieving as you may think. Sure, you will feel better for the moment, but if you look at the larger picture, this will not be your best nutritional choice.

Additives can make your irritated stomach feel a lot worse and they will not feed your body with the nutrients it needs. Moreover, as unbelievable as it may seem, certain additives can actually influence the way your neurons perceive pain, which will make your condition even worse.


Home-cooked or not, sweets are not good for patients with Fibromyalgia. Sugary foods may feel better for your taste buds, but on the long run they will increase your level of fatigue and they will increase the chances of chronic yeast infection.

Coffee and other caffeinated products

Very often, patients with Fibromyalgia suffer from bad sleeping patterns. Not sleeping enough at nights makes them feel tired during the day and the fastest and easiest method of “recharging batteries” appears to be a cup of coffee or tea.

Still, in the case of these patients, this is a very bad choice, since it will only make them sleep even worse at night and the next morning the cycle will begin again.

Dairy products

These types of foods can be both good and bad for you as a Fibromyalgia patient. On the one hand, they do contain Calcium and Vitamin D, both essential for people trying to ameliorate the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

On the other hand though, some of the patients may be very sensitive about these kinds of foods, and thus they should avoid them as much as possible. With milk, cheese and butter, it is only a matter of your particular symptoms.

So what is there to eat when you are suffering from Fibromyalgia? The answer is simple: a lot of healthy foods. Fish contains omega 3 fatty acids, which will help reduce the inflammation, and so do walnuts and other similar products.

Also, fruits and vegetables will give you sustainable energy and they will help you make it through the day. However, avoid eggplant, tomatoes and other similar vegetables, since they tend to make symptoms worse.