Top Home Remedies for Fibromyalgia You May Want to Try
It can be impossible for some to imagine a life lived in constant pain. And yet, for those who suffer from chronic pain conditions, this is the daily reality they have to go through for the rest of their lives.
Fibromyalgia is one of the least understood medical conditions of the moment, and, as a result, it is not yet curable (or preventable, for that matter)
Indeed, fibromyalgia does not kill, but it can change people’s lives so drastically that it can be difficult to understand if you take a look from the outside. Pain is there almost every day and, together with a long list of other symptoms that can suddenly appear almost out of nowhere.
There is really no explanation why some of them develop (or whether they are causes, symptoms, risk factors or symptoms caused by other symptoms).
Fibromyalgia: When the Body Aches Without Reason
We are not able to explain fibromyalgia. There are some theories and schools of thought when it comes to what causes this syndrome, but the truth is that none of them have been unanimously approved and all of them show huge “holes” in them.
For example, there is the genetics theory. According to those sustaining it, fibromyalgia is caused primarily by some genes in the human body which alter one’s ability to feel pain at its real intensity.
The high occurrence of people who come from families where fibromyalgia was present seems to confirm the theory, but there is one gap in it as well: the same genes are present in the case of those diagnosed with other medical conditions too (the myofascial pain syndrome being one of them).
Furthermore, there are those who go for the idea that depression is what causes fibromyalgia. However, do keep in mind that depression is itself a mysterious condition and that it is not easily explained either, so connecting it to another very enigmatic medical condition can be very tricky.
According to those who sustain this idea, the low levels of serotonin and endorphins experienced by people diagnosed with major depressive disorder can cause physical pain and other fibromyalgia symptoms. There are a lot of depression symptoms that overlay themselves on the fibromyalgia ones, but the truth is that the results of all the research made in this direction has not been revealing enough for scientists to draw a clear conclusion.
In addition to the widespread pain of a diffuse, non-centered type, fibromyalgia shows a lot of other signs and symptoms too. Irritable bladder syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, sensitivity to certain types of food, to bright light, to certain odors and to certain types of medication, headaches, depression, anxiety, cognitive issues (loss of short-term memory, inability to concentrate properly and so on), insomnia, the restless leg syndrome, swelling, joint pain and many, many other symptoms appear in the case of fibromyalgia patients.
Unfortunately, even medical professionals cannot explain which of these “symptoms” belong to fibromyalgia and which ones belong to co-morbid conditions, which of these symptoms are actual symptoms and which ones are risk factors, as well as what the relationship between all of them could be.
Is There Any Treatment for Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia cannot be cured in any way, but it can be managed. There are people for whom symptoms are too harsh, but there are also patients who successfully manage their condition in the best way they can. There are several types of medication available on the market to treat fibromyalgia.
Three of them have been specifically approved by the FDA to treat fibromyalgia itself. The other ones will treat the separate symptoms (such as insomnia, bloating, vomiting or headaches). The FDA approved drugs are the following:
– Lyrica was initially created to treat nerve pain caused by diabetes, seizures and some other conditions. It can show many side effects including somnolence, swelling of the hands and feet, dry mouth, blurry vision, having issues with concentration and so on.
– Cymbalta was initially created to treat diabetic nerve pain, anxiety and depression. Just as with most of the anti-depressives, it can cause one to think excessively about death, it can cause sleepiness, dryness of the mouth, excessive sweating and nausea as well.
– Savella is the only drug that was created from the very beginning with the specific purpose of treating fibromyalgia. It is too in nature an anti-depressive, so the adverse effects can be similar to that of Cymbalta and other anti-depressives.
Home Remedies for Fibromyalgia
If you want to avoid pain medication as much as possible or if you simply want to see if nature hasn’t got something better for you in store, then take into consideration the following fibromyalgia home remedies because they may work very well in your case too:
1- Eat right. This stands at the very foundation of a healthy life, but in the case of those with fibromyalgia it can make the difference between “bedridden” and “living a normal life”. Research has shown that people suffering from this condition show low levels of vitamin D and magnesium – so make sure you get plenty of them. Avoid any foods that contain additives, avoid unhealthy fats and avoid carbs (if you also have gluten sensitivity, avoid anything with gluten too). Drink water, skip the coffee and eat as many cooked meals as possible.
2- Most of the fibromyalgia patients show increased sensitivity to exercising so it may be difficult for you to actually work out. However, some stretching, physical therapy, light walking – these things can really work miracles on your pain. Even more than stretching the body, exercising releases endorphins in the body and they will act as “natural analgesics” for your pain.
3- Acupuncture, yoga and reflexology – all these things can prove effective if they are performed by well-trained individuals so do not completely rule them out as complementary therapies.
4- Capsaicin- a cream coming from natural sources that can help with pain relief when applied topically.
5- Sleep well. It may be difficult to sleep very well when living with fibromyalgia, but you should try to because lack of sleep can really make all the symptoms worse.
6- Simply massaging the painful areas can work wonders on your pain’s intensity!